Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Einstein Quote of the Day

Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population.

Where is Einstein when we need him.  A spirit of tolerance is sorely needed in our country now.  People are so angry and unwilling to listen to the other.  And it doesn't seem to be just here—in our Anglican Communion listening is in short supply too.


Leonard said...

Well, there was a ¨Listening Process¨ that would have assited with tolerance improvement I think...however few listened and none listened who deeply needed to listen as they were busy thieving, demonizing and promoting themselves...it´s hard for me to be tolerant of that afterall, I´ve listened, mostly in silence for a lifetime but NO MORE!

motheramelia said...

Len, you have listened far too long. Your voice is a welcome one and needs to be heard. It's those who have refused to listen that hinder a spirit of tolerance. And tolerance in my mind does not mean accepting the crap and untruths that spew from bigoted people.

Doorman-Priest said...

And in this country - although I have exemptions.