Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Maine Labor Murals-a more "balanced" perspective

Our governor, Mr. LePage seems to think that the murals, depicting the labor history of Maine and which used to be in the Labor Building are too one-sided and had them removed.  This YouTube video tries to correct that.

Hope you enjoyed that.  It lets us see all 11 panels, even if some of the faces have been replaced. I've been following the controversy in daily posts on Facebook, but this is too good not to share more widely.


PseudoPiskie said...

Appropriate alterations. These people somebody elected are nuts.

motheramelia said...

I agree. 61 % of Mainers did not vote for him.

motheramelia said...

I must admit, though, it is putting us on the map in a very negative way.

Göran Koch-Swahne said...

And in Sweden left and right equally venerate the 1938 Saltjöbad Agrement as the foundation for our society sorting out the details of the distribution of GNI...