Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Maine Passes Gay Marriage Bill

Baldacci signs same-sex marriage into law
Maine's law may get overturned by a "people's veto," or referendum,  but it is good news.  The governor signed the bill which if theoretically will go into effect 90 days after the legislature adjourns (late June) unless there are a sufficient number of people who sign on to the referendum in which case it will be delayed or repealed.  Maine is the fifth state to do so.  There is usually a hook and Maine's is:
Gay-marriage opponents have promised to organize a people’s veto campaign that would put the issue to a statewide vote in November. To do this, opponents would have to gather 55,087 signatures within 90 days after the adjournment of the Legislature, expected to occur in mid-June. The law would then be put on hold until after the vote on Election Day.
YEA!  It really is a matter of fairness.  I think the people of Maine will view it that way.  At least that's my hope.

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