I got miffed enough at the Roman Catholic Bishop of Maine when he spent so much money to support Question 1, but this news item, which was on the morning news (see it on OCICBW), and is in the Bangor Daily News, really annoyed me. I feel as though it's a slap in the face to our wonderful Bishop Steve. The article is titled "Anglicans and Catholics Pray for Unity." Sounds good, right? Well, the unity is not with Episcopalians but with the Anglican Church in America. The article goes on to say that there are about 300 members of the Anglican Church in America in Maine.
When I did my interim in Millinocket, I learned there was a group of about 10 people who left the Episcopal Church after +Gene was consecrated and formed a mission, but no one seemed to know whether they were still meeting. One couple, who still did gardening at the Episcopal Church, but wouldn't come to services there, had rejoined the Roman Catholic Church. I wonder if some of those who left to form the mission suffered from the terrible blow of the mill closing and left town for other places. Anyway, when I went to the diocesan web site of the ACA I discovered that Millinocket isn't on the list of "find a parish." My guess is that 300 members in Maine is an exaggeration. In addition, I doubt the 7 pm service on a week night is a Eucharist. I'm sure that would be going much too far for +Malone. It may be a way that the "Anglicans" are thinking how they can grow however. Sounds to me like two churches grasping at straws.
I know the Roman Catholic Church in Maine is loosing members and the our Episcopal church has been blessed with some new members, especially some of our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters who have found a warm welcome in many of our churches. I know that the Roman Church in Maine (and elsewhere) doesn't have enough priests. I really wonder if just maybe +Malone is working out of Bennie's playbook: welcome in disaffected Anglicans and then make them toe the line.
We Who Believe in Freedom: Ella Baker
1 hour ago
What else do they have except snitty alliances to snuggle up to? These folks have dodged reality for so long they think that makes them best friends.
My guess is that the road to "unity" between those two is really a one-sided one and that side is heavily weighted on the Roman side.
I was a foamin' Roman back when the first wave left TEC over Women in the Priesthood. The other Roman clerics found them to be "theologically primitive" and there was a lot of ill will generated. (Most of those who left were "Happy Clappy" types) And they never really fit in, what with being straight and all.
It could be a bumpy ride for Bishop Maloney.
I read somewhere he was also talking to the Lutherans (can't find the article). I'm wondering if he is just trying to get +Stephen's goat. Knowing +Steve that will be hard to do.
I'd say Dick Maloney is the goat. When I was in School I remember St. Mary's RC had 4 Masses on Sunday, 2 vigil masses on Saturday night and a mass every day. They were all full. Today my mother tells me there is one service a week and it's sparsely attended.
In the meantime St. Luke's is growing, attendance is great, and the biggest thing I notice now that I've upgraded to become a proper Episcopalian is that everybody doesn't rush out after the Eucharist. They stay for the postlude and then for coffee. Don't seem to mind being in Church a bit!
In the RC Church, if you didn't leave right after the Eucharist you had to deal with 200 would-be Mario Andrettis in the parking lot trying to get out!
I wonder if Bishop Maloney would let us take out an ad in his Diocesan newsletter? "Catholics can always come home - The Episcopal Church Welcome YOU!"
The awful thing is that most RC refugees spend several years being mad at God before the healing begins and they realize what's missing in their lives. Took me 5 years to come back to a Church after learning about a well protected predatory Priest at St. Mary's, and finally giving up on the Romans (AND the closet). And another several to find St. Luke's.
The damage that the "Princes" of the Church do is heartbreaking. God have mercy on them. I still can't, I know I should.
Wade I left the RC church in 1959 and was received in the Episcopal Church in 1960. I was very disappointed with the church in Boston while I was in college. I loved the church in NH and was active in the CYO in high school and thought our priests were wonderfully forward thinking. Boston was like entering the dark ages.
A friend, Hugh Gilman, took me to St Paul's Cathedral and I fell in love with the music and liturgy and that was it. I bet he'd be quite surprised, wherever he is, that I'm now a priest.
I'll bet dollars to donuts.... no, that doesn't work anymore. Remember when candy bars were a nickle? Anyhow I'm sure he's pleased, as are we all, that you're a Priest!
Congratulations on your timely escape! I remember CYO very well. And some wonderful RC Priests. naturally none ever became Bishops.
I left the RC Church in 1996 over the sex abuse and cover-up scandal in our diocese and wandered in the wilderness for a few months, but I needed church. I wanted a church with frequent Eucharists and headed for the Episcopal Church, hesitantly and tentatively. After all, I'd been nearly 60 years in the RCC. But I fell in love with the liturgy and what seemed to me a more reverent and prayerful attitude during the liturgy. And I've never looked back. So. Here we are. Three ex-Roman Episcopalians.
I don't really know enough about the ACA to enter into that part of your conversation. :-)
Mimi, I fell in love with the liturgy the first time I went to St. Paul's Cathedral in Boston. I was thrilled with the music and the fact that the mass was in English. I also loved Morning Prayer and its sung canticles and psalms. I still sing the "venite" when I say MP by myself.
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