Saturday, January 16, 2010

We're Home

Arrived in Damariscotta a little before ten pm.  Partly unpacked the car.  Izzie has been running around the house like a crazy dog.  I think she's glad to be home.  More tomorrow.


Leonard said...


I RETURNED TODAY TOO (a tad further South)

Glad we´re safe, much to do, much to do.


Brian R said...

Glad you are both home safe and sound.

Rick+ said...

     Thanks for letting us know! Hope you and Izzy can have a restful weekend!

motheramelia said...

Len, glad you returned safely as well.

Brian and Rick. Izzie and I are doing nothing but laundry today even though it is Sunday.

I'm enjoying a pot of coffee and watching Meet the Press. Izzie is snoozing on the couch and dreaming.

Wade said...

Welcome back Mother Amelia!

whiteycat said...

Welcome home to you and Izzie. Anxiously awaiting Izzie's next post.

motheramelia said...

Thank you Wade. It's good to be back.

Whiteycat, Izzie is still snoozing on the couch. I can't get her to go outside to pee. I know it's cold, but you can only postpone that for so long. She'll blog later (I think)

it's margaret said...

Welcome home!

motheramelia said...

Margaret, next time I hope we will meet.